I found a fun feature of ruby today. Whilst writing some helper code for generating posts for my blog, I created a script (imaginatively) named helpers. To run it, you just do bundle exec helpers <command> where the only command (currently) is post. To make things even simpler, I added it to my Makefile so you just run make post and have done with it.

The script asks you what the title of your post is going to be so that it can generate the Jekyll front matter, for which I used gets. Little did I know that the default behaviour of gets is NOT to take input from STDIN if there is an argument, but to try and take it from the “file” in ARGV[0]. Like so:

> cat test.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
> ./test.rb
> ./test.rb lsakdfjasldkfj
./test.rb:2:in `gets': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - lsakdfjasldkfj
        from ./test.rb:2:in `gets'
        from ./test.rb:2:in `<main>'

I like writing ruby because I find it fun, expressive and powerful but god damn that’s fucking stupid. This is why I don’t have any heroes.

STDIN.gets it is then.