Disclaimer: This isn’t about vimdiff but about something I called vidiff because I always have vi aliased to vim and it’s about editing files that are part of a diff. Naming is hard.

I like to use a git branching model for working pretty heavily - it matches well to my mental model of “I am trying to do X right now” and to have a branch associated with it. Additionally, (especially at work) I tend to use commits and indexes to delineate progress, and it’s especially useful when I’m away for a couple of days and come back to a problem.

As such, I’ve found myself using this pattern a lot:

vi $(git diff HEAD~1 --name-only)


vi $(git diff origin/master --cached --name-only)

in order to focus on the relevant files, especially in a repository with a deep hierarchy like puppet.

So I wrote this today:

function vidiff {
  vi $(git diff $@ --name-only)

Now all I have to do is vidiff HEAD~1 to edit all the files that were changed in the last commit :)